WIAW: Detox Week 1

So normally, I’ don’t blog my daily eats but I tend to get a lot of questions about detoxing and I also want to show how easy it can be, especially the first week! The best way to do that is to give you a day-in-the-life-of style post so why not hop on the “What I Ate Wednesday” bandwagon?

Yesterday was a rough day. It was the second day of our detox and my energy levels were not stellar. It was the first day back at work after a 4-day weekend. ‘Nuf said.

Monday, we worked the Vitamix for a breakfast smoothie but it had zero staying power so on Tuesday, I went with the standby: oatmeal.


For two: 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, 1 cup oats, 1 banana, 1 cup blueberries, 1/3 cup ground flaxseed, 1/4 cup almond slivers and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Huz and I usually end up with a 60/40 split on the batch. This kept me full for over 5 hours this morning. Pretty darn good for me!

And a side of pills:


Seen here is a multi-vitamin, B-Complex, D3, Vit-C, Glutamine, and Fish Oil.

All morning at work, I made a point to sip on water and tea. I forced myself to down a whole Sigg before lunch and one before leaving for the day. I think that’s a good habit to get into and gets me away from my desk more frequently thanks to my tiny bladder.


Around 10:30, I broke into some fruit. One pear and one kiwi, fuzzy skin and all!


Confession: I am terrible at eating fruit. In my defense, a bunch showed up on my intolerance testing (strawberries, oranges, apples, bananas – yes, I know I had some in my oatmeal this morning, it doesn’t seem to bother me in small doses). It’s also kind of a pain to prep and eat. Peaches and pears and plums are too juicy and messy to eat at my desk without cutting them up first. First World Problems, I know.

Moving on, for lunch I had leftover gumbo with a little brown rice that I made on New Years Day – black eyed peas for good luck!


It was loosely based off of this recipe I have made before except I used dried beans, no chard, added okra, and also added veggie sausage links (not gluten-free, oops!).


A few hours later, I had a tiny no-bake granola bar. I think it was a corner piece because it was super thin on one side.


(Veggies + hummus would have been a better suited snack but I was heading out the door so portability wins.)

Dinner was a throwback to single days of yore! Faux Lo Mein. (Seriously. Second post ever on the blog mentions it’s goodness, back when Huz was the BF and I “invented” it a year before that. Actually, I didn’t invent it. I found it on AllRecipes. Here is a similar recipe here, I just use spelt spaghetti noodles instead of Chinese noodles and honey instead of sugar in the sauce.)


I added fresh basil and topped the noodles with sesame seeds and sriracha and it was pretty darn good. And very filling. Have to get my carbs in now while I can cuz they get thrown on the back burner later in the detox. Boo hiss.

And for giggles – on NYE, we ordered Chinese take-out (it’s tradition!). It ended up being terrible.


Anyone, highly entertaining to see very unhealthy ridiculously portioned pre-detox Chinese meal versus detox-friendly faux Chinese meal at home that ended up tasting way better and fresher. Funny how that works.